Friday, 18 January 2019

Evaluative Analysis Essay - Independent learning

Deadline Monday :)
Principal's Guidance HERE

Independent study task: Complete the introduction of your Evaluative Analysis Essay 

Structuring the Evaluative Analysis
The Evaluative Analysis must include the following elements (and indeed this offers a reasonable template for structuring it with approximately 600 words dedicated to each, taking into account the introduction).

The evaluations should include an introduction, like any other long-form essay. This should include:

  • the brief chosen (see below)
  • a short synopsis of the film
  • the medium chosen (film/screenplay) and 
  • some brief aims – it is IMPOSSIBLE to evaluate the success of the production WITHOUT any measurable aims.

Sample aims may include:

Intended audience response:

  • ‘To create empathy with my main character’
  • ’To have the audience on the edge of their seat’

Genre/Style goals:

  • ‘To create a highly visual Film Noir’
  • ‘To create an aesthetic similar to my research film X’
  • ‘To subvert the conventions of gender within the Sci-Fi by developing a strong female character within my script’

Feel free to continue using the guidance, linked above to structure your response. 

Your screenplay must include ONE of the following briefs:
  • a narrative twist
  • a narrative which begins with an enigma
  • a narrative which establishes and develops a single character
  • a narrative which portrays a conflict between two central characters.

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